Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm really good at procrastination.

Madelaine xx

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Real Life

Tanlines are a band from Brooklyn, New York and they are also fucking rad.
My favourite song of theirs is 'Real Life' and you can listen to it on their MySpace page.
I also like their song 'Reinfo' along with the video.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Punk Poet Don't Cha Know It

John Cooper Clarke awesome. He is a punk poet who opened for Joy Division, Buzzcocks, Sex Pistols to name a few. I just love his fuck you fuck them fuck me attitude - just like I would want to be if I had a set of balls.

I personally prefer his more raw spoken word poems (WATCH! Evidently Chickentown - the bleeps suck but it's the best I could find AND Twat) but I also have an album of his where he's set some to music and they're also pretty cool - WATCH! I Don't Want to Be Nice.

He's about 60 now, I wish he was my grandad.

Not that I don't love mine, just as an extra maybe.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dr. Baby-cheeks

Dr. Bronners Magic Soaps!
I know most people must have already experienced the amazingness that is Dr. Bronners but I thought I should mention it seeing as it has become an obsession over the last week.
You can use it for everything; shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, washing up liquid, kitten paw cleaner...anything.
It is amazing and I would highly recommend the peppermint flavor although my friend Hannah is testing out the almond and says it is divine!

It is all you ever need!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Delicious!

The Delicious is a short film from Wolphin which I get sent from McSweeney's (the best publishing house in zee world!) every so often. It's so god damn cool and awesome.

Watch! Part One, Part Two
Morg X

10 x 3

i saw this letter-box on Third Ave today and totes keen to make one.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

125 Black Hole

'Subrban Seattle, the mid 1970's. We learn from the outset that a strange plague has desceded upon the area's teenagers, transmitted by sexual contact. The disease is manifested in any number of ways - from the hideously grotesque to the subtle (and concealable). What we become witness to is a fascinating and eerie protrait of the nature of high school alienation itself - the savagery, the cruelty, the relentless anxiety and ennui, the longing for escape.'

Heheh cool.

Source: 125 Magazine

Morg X


This site is raaad!
I'm kind of obsessed with Japan and all things Japanese, and looking at this website makes me want to go back so bad...
Japan street style


I love this this painting by Caspar David Friedrich, it is called Monk By the Sea. I think he is also kind of a babe...


Edamame tu mame

I love edamame.
It is so salty and good.

Edamame tu mame,
Edamame my mame,
Edamame your mame,
Edamame edamame edamame.

Love Maddy x

Slim Twiggery My Misery

Slim Twig is fuckin' rad. i would do terrible things to see him in the flesh. I have been forcing his songs on anyone who will listen, and so far haven't received much reciprocal enthusiasm. HOWEVER I STILL BELIEVE. THE POWER OF THE TWIG .


this is his song 'Young Hussies' from which we derive our name. I don't know what's up with the video but stick with it... or twig with it. heh. click on the link above to listen.

tear that ass up.

x Morg

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Young Hussies

So we started a Commodity Art business...basically we just cross-stitch profanities... we have also started making badges out of fimo...we think they are pretty rad!

It seems to have taken over our lives. When I close my eyes I see stitching. It's become a problem...
Hopefully the Business will take off. It's not exactly profitable seeing as they take about two days each to make and we sell them basically at cost price, but that is not the point. We finally have something productive going on in our lives.